2008. február 28., csütörtök

erre érdemes odafigyelni! / make sure you read this!

Security is tight on domestic flights to and from Srinagar, allow extra time to check in and you have to recheck your luggage on the tarmac before it is loaded, if you don’t do this and match it to your boarding pass it does not get loaded. From Srinagar – Delhi the airport is a security nightmare, 2 Full baggage X Rays, and AK-47's can be pointed at you at the 1st x-ray just inside the airport gates. NO CABIN BAGAGE ALLOWED. # NOTE - MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE ALL YOUR BATTERIES FROM TRANCEIVERS, RADIOS, TORCHES AND CAMERAS IN YOUR LUGGAGE BEFORE BOARDING, LEAVE NOTHING CONNECTED. Don't take pictures of any soldiers or take pictures inside the airports ! Otherwise you will be escorted into a little room and be in a heap of shit.

SPENDING MONEY 34 Rupee = $ 1 AUS , $ 500 AUS should be heaps of cash for 2 weeks.Bottled Water - 70 RupeeCoke/ Pepsi - 40 Ruppe Smokes - 40 Rupee

A good idea to also bring some Immodium tablets with you as 'Gulmarg Guts' will take hold at some point. ( Bring toilet paper with you ) # BEWARE the monkeys and dogs around the village and at Monkey Hill. Don’t get to close and make sure you avoid being bitten, as they have been known to attack Humans, also keep a lookout for Snow Leopards as they have also been reported to attack on occasions.

did you know?

Gulmarg Village is located in the Pir Pinjal range of the Himalayan Mountains in the Indian province of Jammu and Kashmir, 52km from Srinagar, the capital of Indian Kashmir. The ‘Line of Control’ is only 20km away and one of the Indian Army posts can be seen from the hike out to skier's right along the ridgeline.

The ’Line of Control’ is the de-militarized border between India and Pakistan. India and Pakistan have been in conflict over the ‘ownership’ of this disputed area since the early 1900’s. Kashmir is 99% Muslim and Pakistan believes that it is more culturally aligned with Kashmir, while India is of the opinion that it has the rights as it was ‘given‘ Kashmir during the India-Pakistan Split. Throw in the fact that China also has a piece of Kashmir and you have a recipe for one hell of mess.

hát ezért megyünk / this is why we decided visiting this remote place on Earth



hunglish for my foreign friends!

Hello Allison, Symon, Rudy, John, Rainer, Sándor, Shopguard&Co!

If you don’t know what a blog is, please click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog
If you think a blog is a ship diary, please visit this site: http://www.oceanlab.abdn.ac.uk/blog/
Please do not press the red button as we all might rest in piece! Thank you.


So, just back from the show in Düsseldorf, it was very tiring, probably not the best training for our little alpine tour, but a great success! Only 3 days are left before take off, I am wondering how I will get on with those 200 visitor reports sitting on my desk…hmm…I should be already working now, but my mind is somewhere else.
The weather report for Gulmarg looks very promising: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=gulmarg, we are expecting some fresh snow above the mid station (3000m)!!!!
You might ask the question how we find our way to the final destination, well here it is: Budapest-Moscow-New Delhi-Srinagar-Gulmarg. The last stage is heavy mountain terrain of app. 50 kms on road, so we are expecting a rough ride of 4hours. The total traveling time is more than a day, oh my gosh, what is an ILYUSHIN 96??? The ticket shows we are taking the IL-96 from Moscow to New Delhi…hope Gorbatshov had good engineers working on this bird….
So the countdown is running, still plenty of things to arrange, I will get my last vaccination tomorrow, at least Hepatitis A, B and Typhus will not kill me!
We are planning to bLOG in every day, depending on the possibilities..I heard there is only a single PC on the mountain, rumors say it has a 386 processor…well, this does tell a lot!
By for now, God save the Queen and rock’n’roll!!!!

2008. február 26., kedd


Várlak szeretettel pénteken 20 órától !!!!!


Sziasztok !

Aki már ismer az tudja, hogy szeretek utazni, kedvelem a hegyeket és imádok boardozni.
Közel 100 országban jártam már a világban és csak most gondoltam bele, hogy legtöbbször (összesen ötször) Indiában voltam. Pár hónappal ezelőtt éppen onnan repültem haza . Valahogy eddig ez a himalájai rész mindig kimaradt, ezért mikor Zaza megkeresett az ötlettel nem sokat hezitáltam , egyből igent mondtam rá. A snowboardozáson belül a backcountry áll hozzám a legközelebb, nehéz leírni azt az érzést, mikor hasítod a havat, megszűnik minden , csak Te vagy és a hegy, szinte eggyé válsz a természettel.
Utolsó túrámon Kirgizisztánban megismerkedtem egy „őrült” szlovén sráccal, Bostiannal, aki hozzám hasonlóan egy világcsavargó, hegyimádó snowboardos. Akkor megemlítettem neki márciusi kashmiri túránkat, így került bele ő is a mi kis csapatunkba, fogadjátok őt sok-sok szeretettel.
Végezetül azt kívánom magunknak, hogy legyen friss havunk, kék egünk, szikrázó napsütésünk és csináljunk sok-sok felejthetetlen fotót, amik majd az unalmas hétköznapokon nézegethetünk. Úgy érzem egy nyitott, fiatalos csapat tagja lehetek.
Most péntekek várom az egész brancsot a Shanteehouse-ba egy kis lazulásra !


Sipi „az öregharcos”